Tuesday, August 23, 2011


i've got shit to do so i'm not going to be able to get into all the HAARP-filled conspiracies at this moment. but here's some quickies:

1. according to conspiracy theorists, the earthquake felt here was a "fore-shock"... as in a pre-courser to something bigger that is on it's way.

2. some dude from bank of american told Rick Perry that they'll be supporting him (but apparently, BofA is meant to be going down the shit hole soon: http://youtu.be/40K7p3kZO9c ... what's that have to do with the earthquake and hurricane? HAARP. By bringing disaster to American soil, the USA can finally ask for foreign aid from our friends in China. blah blah blah.

3. AND not to worry you tooooo much, but the Yellowstone Caldera has been gurgling a lot lately... and the earthquake in Colorado was fairly close to it. is it getting ready to burp?

keep this in mind re: the earthquake locations in Colorado and Virginia:

Colorado Quake Location:
37.070°N, 104.700°W

Virginia Quake Location:
37.881°N, 77.952°W

OK.... so that's just some stuff i pulled from around the web. they're not necessarily my feelings or concerns, but i'm just sharing them with you all...