I LOVE HAVING DVRI get to watch all the episodes of "American Idol" and "Americas Next Top Model" !!!! Fuck yeah. woooooo! I heart Ace Young. He's so pretty. He's sooo cheesy too. But I don't really give a fuck. He's got that sort of George Michael/Pop Idol elements to him. When I say Pop Idol, i mean the british version of this show... it seems like all the winners are like this dude. I also found out that I really love the bald dude, and my friend Amy totally called it by saying that the gray haired dude is the most real thing on reality tv.
I just came home from DJing at Rothko with the Cinematics and Boy Kill Boy. Dude, the Cinematics were off the mother fucking chain. Seeing them reminded me of seeing Franz Ferdinand at Pianos a few years ago and running off to meet up with friends at the Library and telling them that Franz reminded me of APB, and breaking out into "Shoot You Down."
Anyway, the point is that the Cinematics are really fucking great. The singer is kinda geeky and awkward when he's not singing in between songs, but once he starts up, it's like this fucking star is born. I think they said it was their last show in the US this time. Catch them next time, or if you live in England, see them soon.
I promised i'd write about SXSW... and you're all gonna get disappointed... So I got there wednesday night and chilled out in my room watching Idol. After eating room service I went to the Convention Center to pick up my pass and ran into Hot Robbie and his awesome roommate Piper from boyskout and two of robbies friends. we all went to the Blender party where Tapes'n'Tapes, Spoon, and one of my all time favorite bands, Echo and the Bunnymen, were playing. Tapes'n'Tapes were really fantastic, fun, and more libertines than I expected. Seems like Spoon were good, but I wasn't paying attention. And got totally fucking stoked to see Echo & the Bunnymen... until they played. Man, it felt like they were just phoning it in. They were playing for 400 drunk dudes, fratting it up, under tons of light (i want to see only a silohuette of Mac), and at 3am.
The next morning Brandon arrived so I hung out with him during the day, and then went to the Pure Volume party in the evening where Nightmare of You was playing with Heat Automatica.
WAIT... let me interject this for a second...
SXSW was super fucking emo this year. It was like the MySpace SXSW. Plus, nearly every band down there is already signed to East/West via Atlantic via Warners... as an A&R person, I was like, well, this might be a waste of time. Sure, I had a pass to see a bunch of bands that I normally don't get to see, but the lines to every venue were so long. I'm just another jerk with a badge, amongst hundreds, I'm not patient enough to wait in line for a show i'll be too short to see... But I can just go see the bands in New York, since they all come up here anyway, get a ticket and find the spots in the venue where I can see (figured them all out). Regardless, I love SXSW and will probably go back every year.
So... I'm at this pure volume party with Gurj, Nick the intern, sasha the intern, my buddy Casey, NOY, and a bunch of other friends. NOY played a great set, which was a relief since Brandon had a stomach virus just a few days before. I had a genuinely awesome time. So many friends were there that I don't normally get to see in one place. Great. Rah Rah! I'm stoked cause tomorrow they'll all be at my stolen transmission party!! woooo.
So I go home early so i'm not too tired to be on a SXSW panel, and have tons of energy for my party, when at 7am, I ran out of bed and made a b-line for the bathroom where i proceeded to puke for the next five hours. Eventually, I managed to pick myself up, get dressed, and head out to the convention center for my panel despite Gurj and Brandon begging me not to. I couldnt look or be touched by anyone for fear of upchucking right at their feet. I rode the cab over praying to god that i would be ok and not puke, holding tightly to the plastic bag in my hand. I made it to the convention center very late. I couldn't help it, I was puking when I was supposed to be there. I walked in on my panel and apologized for being late, and saying i was sick. 10 minutes into taking my seat on stage and attempting as much as i could to participate, I excused myself and ran to the bathroom for another puke episode. I ran back for my purse and ran out of the center looking for a cab. I jumped towards a taxi that was stopping and inside was my Josh Madden and John Fewell. I motioned them out and jumped in, hardly saying a word. I made it back to hotel room, grabbed another bag and puked in it. I then repositioned myself in a hugging position with the toilet.
A few hours later, it was party time. I had been attempting to get shit done from my hotel bed, but talking was so hard. typing on my kick was so hard. People were calling looking for me and not understanding why I wasn't there yet. When I finally arrived, I called Brandon to meet me outside the Redbull house to help me with the boxes i brought. he came out and I guess i looked like shit, casue he looked stressed. I walked into the house, collapsed on to a bean bag chair and started crying about the pain i was in and my dehydration. Brandon brought me a water and took me to the band's van to lay down where he kept an eye on me. The van needed to be moved, so it was moved, and so I puked into a brown paper bag that immediately started leaking before I could throw it out the door... brandon keeping his hands cupped under the bag, catching the puke so it wouldn't get all over the van. I jumped out and started puking. Brandon sat me down and ran into the venue to get Alex and Gurj to let them know he was taking me back to the hotel to lay down. Alex knew I was sick, but when he found me, I don't think he expected me to be that sick. I was a hazy shade of green. He begged me to go back to the hotel even though i was insisting that i shouldnt. I told them what needed to be done, and Brandon and I went looking for a cab.
We tried to hail a cab for a bit, and nearly gave up. Finally a van cab pulled up, rolled down the window and asked brandon where he was from. When brandon said new york city, he said we could come in. This was so surreal... the van had all the chairs taken out except for the last two. Then in the center of the van was a fucking fruit plate with cheese and crackers and surrounded by bottles of fanta. We thought we got into the wrong cab... i guess thinking it'd be one of those reality tv show vans. The driver assured us that wasn't the case. Brandon let him know i was really ill, and I put my head down. The driver proceeded to talk the entire time, making the need to puke, that much more intense. When I finally got to the hotel, I laid down to sleep until Brandon's friend picked us up from the hotel a half hour before brandon was due on stage. Meanwhile, Alex, Gurj, Sasha and Nick had totally taken care of absolutely everything that needed ot be taken care of. Not only that, but they all appeared to be having a great time. I couldn't thank those people enough. They are absolutely true friends in addition to excellent team members. They took care of absolutley everything. I love them all soo much, you have no idea.
As I got there, I told people not to talk to me or touch me for fear of puking, but after a while I started to feel better and I started to drink soda without puking. I attempted to climb on stage to announce NOY and fell flat on my face, making people fear I passed out. I was ok, but bruised up. I attempted to participate in the fun but I was too sick to. I watched bits of all the bands, they were all amazing and Lady Sov was a total midget (she calls me midget and I guess she can cos i'm an inch shorter... much to her dismay), and then went straight to the hotel. Soon later brandon came back right after his second show to take care of my sick body, and took care of me for the next day and a half, basically forfitting going to any shows. He is the bestfriend ever. But I also guess he felt guilty about getting me sick, ha!
So... this was what my trip was like. Totally un-fun. Completely uneventful. I heard my party was really fun. Apparently people were trying to jump the fence to get in, there was a line two blocks long, owen and luke wilson were there and so was elijah wood? Tons of folk... cept for me... at my own party. Oy Va Voy. You can see photos on
StolenTransmission.com and clicking here.
So that was it... my experience. Bum out dude, huh?