Not having a job is fun. I wont lie. I get to wake up whenever, call up Brian and Meredith, and get brunch at Clinton Street Bakery just cause there's nothing better to do. When the No-Job Club met up for their Monday afternoon brunch we ran into Roddy who was enjoying a preflight meal of pancakes and trying to get his last sips of NYC before heading to Scotland for tour. Roddy is one of the sweetest boys I've ever met, and I don't use that lightly. He speaks in poems and looks at things with the innocense of a child. I love having him around to marvel at things I take for advantage, and will really miss him while he's gone.
The No-Job Club debated over what movie we'd see after we ate. I somehow convinced the two of them that seeing the new Ashton Kutcher movie was a really good idea. Not only a good idea, but a great one. One that would make their day 100x better. While we debated over the movie selections, one of the guys from Soulwax came through the door and I was totally stoked. I love Soulwax's album "much against everyone's advice" so much. I used to listen to it obsessively when it first came out and I think it'd hold up pretty well today if it were released. It's much along the lines of whatever Beck is doing, or was doing, or is doing again... They have a new album out now I think.
"Guess Who?" was actually not as bad as the reviews suggested. I don't care what anyone says, Ashton Kutcher is likeable. He's adorable. I want to take him home and make him my little boyfriend and talk about Kaballah and shit. Meredith and I took turns saying "i want him! he's mine!" as Brian actually followed the plot enough to find it necessary to shush the loud chatters in the theater who probably turned up thinking nobody else would be there and it'd be a great location to have a meeting.
When the movie was over, I bid my mates farewell and head to union square to meet up with Lizzy for a pre-show dinner at Zen Palate so we could gossip about our lives. Then we went to see the Features who were opening up for Ben Kweller and the Walkmen (you know, for that $5 Dentyne show). The Features were great -- kind of like the White Stripes with a full band and a bit more punky.
The rest of the posse came in time to check out Ben Kweller, who was adorable as always, and had Evan Dando join him on stage to perform a Creedence Clearwater song, which Nick surprisingly knew the words to, and Josh fully enjoyed since he LOOOOOVES Dando, and Brian... Brian was missing a lot of the night and I think he was possibly posing with his balls on someone's head. Holy run on sentance. Anyway, when Ben Kweller was done, Dando just hung out in the hallway by the lifebeat table and was hardly bothered by anyone. He was merely surrounded by about 4 people, whom all looked like people who knew him, and was smiling and happy. Heroin did wonders to his body cause he looked healthy and preserved.
The Walkmen were great, but they played too many new songs in my opinion (only two old ones... the song titles slip me but one had the line "let's forget the things we did last winter..." and I think the other was "Wake Up"). Their new album is good, but it doesn't mean as much to me as "Everyone Who Pretended to Love Me Is Gone". They didn't seem to into the show either, but maybe I was just projecting. I was really hoping that they'd play "Rue the Day" which just blows my mind. They didnt.
Today (tuesday), I woke up, did some work on some projects, and then went up to SPIN to meet up with Nick for the SPINHouse Live Kaiser Chiefs show. I can't believe it was my first time seeing this band! Every time they've played in NYC I've either been DJing or out of town. FINALLY i got to see them... I'm so happy. The band could not have been anymore adorable. Like lil puppies you wanna take home and feed grapes to cuase it'd look cute to see them fiddle with it. The singer, whateverhisnameis, handled the crowd like he was a regular on Montey Python, making everyone in the super packed offices laugh. It was totally interactive, fun, cute, and they sounded great. You know, you're typical dancey post punk shit with melodic points. Catchy. Delightful.
Afterwards, Nick and I went downtown. As I was waving goodbye to him, attempting to walk across the street not paying attention to traffic, I heard Nick and another male voice yell out my name simultaneously. I looked up and saw that it was my brother Lawrence... and the reason they both were yelling my name was because a car was about to hit me. What are the chances of my brother being at the same corner as me on the lower east side at the same time? The timing was so perfect that I didn't get hit by a car. Yay!
Here's a shot of the Kaiser Cheif's from my view:

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