How gay is it of me to actually want to vote for John Kerry after seeing this photo? I mean, totally not based on anything else other than "Holy shit, he hung out with John Lennon! That dude is awesome!" It's like one day I'm gonna say "screw you" to rock and roll and become a politician and suddenly photos will surface of me with Interpol, blood shot eyes, beer in hand, and my broken heart as my boyfriend leaves me for Meg White or something. Thank you Catchdubs! for that.
Thursday night the Lot Six came to SPIN offices to perform a toned down set for all of us and some invited guests. They were fantastic and switched their sound from their typical post-punk sound to a more alt-country vibe. One of the members looked like Corey Feldman. That's never bad. I drank a lot.
Afterwards I went down to Pianos. It was like a blogger power dinner/drinks. If someone walked in on us they'd realize how utterly dorky we all are. The entire time we kept on saying "so best" and "no buzz". Then Rob Holmes bought me and Scott a shot of tequila -- which I really didn't want. I pleaded "please! dont give me a drink. i will puke. i cant drink no more!" But they laid down the peer pressure and so i tried to drink the shot, but my throat closed up and the shot just wouldn't go down my throat. So i ended up spitting the tequila all over Rob and Scott's feet. Whoops! Then Rob bought another round of shots to give me another shot at drinking, and I managed to keep it down... frowning the entire time. Then i made out with Rob.
Happily drunk, I sauntered down to the Bowery Ballroom with Jenny Penny and Lauren to see Franz Ferdinand, AKA, the awesomest band that makes me grow a peepee just so it can get hard. I can't believe I went to see them at Pianos a couple months ago and now they're headlining a sold out show at the bowery ballroom and with each show i'm getting more and more stoked. New York Doll got so stoked that she couldn't help herself from shouting out "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO HOT!" ... uhh... which caused Alex the singer to start giggling while singing "Jaqueline." Please, if you can, please go see them live, or at least buy their album when it comes out next month. I'm gonna buy myself like 4 copies for me and my friends. I only have 3 friends.
Ugh! Right now my parents wont fucking stop shouting about moisturizer. SHUT UP! It's like an episode of "Queer Eye" gone wrong.
Asian Friendsters, unite and take over.
Cute purses. Marc will find this particular tote very funny.
Melissa Auf de Maur's music video.
Aston Kutcher is 30. But guess what, he's still hot and I'd still do him.
Muse's Absolution is getting released on March 23 in the United States of America. FINALLY! Uhm, this is, like, the best fucking album of 2003, and maybe 2004. And not only are they playing Coachella, but I think they're gonna do a tour until the summer across America, and if you're smart, you'll buy your ticket the moment they go on sale. Holy shit they're amazing. Watch this video and tell me if it blows your load or what. If it doesn't work there, try their website which is linked above.
Barry the Scottish non-Teenaged Mailorder Boyfriend (and future blogger! uh oh!) has a doppelganger. His name is Johnathan Rice and Johnathan is going to be playing a bunch of shows in NYC. He's like Chris Martin meets Ryan Adams and, just like Barry, he's Scottish and 20.
Listen to the Killers' "Somebody Told Me"... and I guess join their street team if you're in the UK. Uh... I love them maybe too much.
"I'll take the rapist for $200, Alex.". Thanks to Baron for that one!
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