Wednesday, August 17, 2005


This morning, BrandonR, Ryan, and myself tried to get breakfast at Teany. When the three of us approached Ludlow we saw that it was a full on police scene. We shrugged, hoped that nothing serious happened, and then went our respective ways.

When I got into my office I recieved an email from BrandonR telling me that there was tragically a murder at Teany To-Go. We all know people who work there, so we're all really nervous and scared. I'm not sure what prompted the murder or how it occured. All I know is that I'm really sad for the person who died and their families. There's nothing that one can say to make this news any less tragic or sad. Nothing.

I was also told about more deaths due to a bad batch of drugs, and thank my lucky stars that there's nothing harder than pot going into my body, and even that is going to end soon as per my brother's request. But six deaths have happened in the past week due to a bad batch of either heroin or cocaine (i think it was the H-bomb), and there was some huge crackdown in williamsburg.

When I found out that people were doing heroin again I became a bit confused. Wasn't that very ten years ago? Didn't we learn from those mistakes? Don't people do pain killers now instead?

But no matter...

What I'm trying to get at is: If ever there was a time/reason to NOT DO DRUGS - knowing there's a poisoned batch floating around might be it.

My thoughts are with those who knew the person who got murdered at Teany and the families who lost loved ones due to drugs in the past week.

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