Monday, February 7, 2005


Mary-Kate is looking really fantastic.

See her here
and here
and here.

Also, thanks to everyone who made it out to my birthday party. I had a shit load of fun and amazingly didn't have a chance to have one single sip of SPARKS cause i was too busy DJing shit with the Vicar like Muse and My Chemical Romance and Beethoven ("Moonlight Sonata" which had a bunch of people come up to the DJ table and say "holy crap. i love this song." or "this is really touching me right now." gotta love what an open bar can do to people) and "O Fortuna" from "Carmina Buranah." I think i'm going to DJ classical music everychance i get from now on. Classical and My Chem.

You can see photos here.

I got the flu for the second time in a month on friday. I can't figure out how I got the flu AGAIN since i've been dressing warmly, washing my hands constantly and have had a heating lamp by my bed to keep me warm at night. Amazingly, I was sick less last year when I was making out more. Now that I'm not making out at all, I think my immune system is down, down, down. Oh well, I don't think there are any more strains of the flu virus that i can possibly catch. At least i dont think.

The worst part about this flu bizniz was missing Jarvis at Misshapes and the Spinto Band at sin-e last night. I kept on hallucinating last night that i tried to leave my house and got lost on the way to Sin-E (which is weird, cause it's two blocks form my house) and that i had to take a cab to get there, and that i couldnt get out of my building... something about monsters and a high school movie.

Ollie just told me that the stencils for the oohlas packaging will be arriving in the next two days so i'll be able to send all those delayed back orders! So sorry for the delay!

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