I got this email from my friend Elhaam. If you can help, please help!
Hello Foster Parents:
I will be sending out another email, hopefully by the end of the day today, but I wanted to send this around right away. This sweet kitty needs placement ASAP! She was on the table to be euthanized, because no rescues came forward for her, and she has a URI - the vet techs couldn't do it because she was SO sweet. This says a lot for vet techs that have the very sad and unfortunate task of euthanizing animals every day.
She's got another 24hrs - please let me know if you're willing to foster her, and feel free to send this email around to your friends if you know someone that wants to adopt. (Read more of a description below.)
Please let me know ASAP if you're willing to foster her. THANK YOU!
Maggie R. O'Neill
Foster Coordinator
Animal Care & Control of New York City
Cell: 347-236-0339
This is Cachitia. She is about nine years old and already spayed. She was given up by her old owner because of personal problems. She was scheduled for euth today because she is sick and we have no space in our sick ward. When the Vet tech opened Cachitia's cage she hopped out and started rubbing herself on everyone. She was just running around the table begging for love. She is such a great cat that the Vet Tech was practically in tears begging me to find her a home. They were describing her as the "perfect cat" because is just so loving. When she get over her cold in a few days she really be the perfect. Medically she is in good shape for her age. Please try to save this sweet kitty. She deserves all the effort you can put into her.