Yesterday I came home and cut my hair with a razor along side Gurj. I was going for a sort of Natalie Imbruglia circa "Torn" hair-did, and I think I may have actually come close to accomplishing that. I'm impressed. Something I wish I had when I was in high school that would've made me infinitely happier is a fucking hair straightener. My hair straightener is my most loved styling apparatus. It's just a cheap revlon hair straightener, but it works wonders and no matter what haircut i have, it makes it look way better.
After doing this I went with Karen to see Cold War Kids at Pianos. They're playing there again tonight and tomorrow night, and I really recommend them. They're a four piece from LA that sound like an old Black soul band from the south circa-a long time ago. I think someone was actually playing a beer bottle at one point. Anyway, go to their myspace page and check them out. I really enjoyed the show and it was the first showcase I've been to in a while and loved. Also, Shandi from America's Next Top Model DJs at Pianos on monday... 80s music. Sounded pretty decent. I wanna find all the Top Models that moved to NYC and have them DJ the annex one thursday. If you're one of those girls, please email me:
After Pianos, Karen and I came back to mine so i could give her my old laptop that I bought a couple years ago off craigslist that smells like B.O.. It's seriously offensive. Everytime I open it, people are like "omg, is your laptop sweating? how does it smell like B.O?" It works ok, and has a massive hard drive of 10 gigs (WOW!). We sat around discussing Aiden. Not even their music as much as how much the singer of Aiden looks like Carlos D.
(in other words... how is Jenny Penny NOT OBSESSED with them?)
Tonight I'm going with the above mentioned Penny of Jenny to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Hammerstein... then maybe Thursday at Irving... then maybe Dita Von Tiesse with Trent, the most famous Mexican in all of blogland.
Oh, I really hate having "secret" shows at the Annex, and I'm really sorry to do this, but a lot of times our friends wanna play Stolen Transmission but they can't announce it because they have another show in the city in the near future and contracts say "no advertised show" and shit like that. Even when they're your roommate...
So, with that, Karen's former roommate and one of the current residents of Apartment 3a (so you know, the people that live in 3a are: josh madden, gurj bassi, me, brandon reilly) is in a band. His (or her) band is going on tour very soon with a band that's not Aiden, but wears make-up. I may have put out this band's single.
At Stolen Transmission
Thursday, May 4.
The Annex (152 Orchard st. btw Stanton & Rivington)
21 +
Also, I got great news: I managed to convince Young Love (aka Dan Keyes) to let me release a single on Stolen Transmission! Only 250 of them. There are 3 songs: "Tragedy", "We Want Drugs", and "Find A New Way (demo)". i'm gonna put them on sale on monday i think. I'm stoked out of my face. The singles are covered in glow-in-the-dark sand and mirrors.
Hopefully, i'll be able to put the Saints + Lovers single for sale too! Had a bit of an issue with the master recording (ie: it's gone missing), so i need to buy a new one. Kids, get organized or it may cost you. The single includes a cover of Joy Division's "Atmosphere" that will blow your mind and the CD sleevs are hand painted works of art created by the genius Jordana the Intern.
umm... I think that's it for now.
I love you?
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